Services for the Disabled

Individuals that have a disability can find themselves needing help in one way or another. This help could include homemaking services, meal preparation, errands, or even companionship. At Silver Lining Care, we can provide all of those services. Someone with a disability may even become bedridden. If a nursing home is chosen, a companion can come and sit with them and provide personal service to them while in their room. If the individual would prefer to stay in their home, Silver Lining Care can assist them with their every day needs. Our services can be for specific hours or 24/7, including holidays. We also provide assistance to those receiving services through the Ohio Department of Disabilities. Those services inlude homemaker personal care services, non-medical transportation, and community inclusion. Cynthia is the parent of a young lady that receives services through DODD. Having lived and experienced the problems that can be encountered, she understands first-hand the problems that you face.
Finally, Cynthia is also a certified travel agent. If you need to travel and feel overwhelmed by the obstacles you may face, contact us. Cynthia has years of experience planning those trips and knows what to consider and think about ahead of time.

We make a difference for you & your family
We know not all families have the same exact needs, and we believe in providing personalized care that fits your unique schedule, living situation, and budget. Learn more about the services we offer, or give us a call to discuss a custom care plan tailored to your family.

Contact us at (513) 752-0451
Silver Lining Care, LLC is COVID-19 compliant. We have always placed the health and welfare of those we serve as our top priority, and will continue to do so during and after this pandemic.